IB GAS AG was founded in 2012, with the culture of an innovative and forward-thinking company in global trading of refined petroleum products.

IB GAS transacts energy commodities on a global scale.Has a long-term established participant in the LPG market, and  expanded our distribution by integrating a diversified product flow, such as Diesel, Jet Fuel and Gasoline in territories across the globe. Our customers include leading energy groups, oil companies, distributer and airlines.

IB GAS is fully aware of the rapidly changing environment of international energy trade, and we constantly and efficiently synchronize with the ever changing needs and requirements of our customers and suppliers.


AVIG s.a. has established strong relations with refineries in order to offer the best quality and diversity of products at the most competitive price to the Balkans and International markets. This objective is keen to respond to the growing local demand and to contribute by the same time to the local economy development which has a growing potential.

                                                                                           Development Albania & Balkan Market                             


The LPG GAS supply activities started in 2003 with a construction of 5 spherical GAS tank storage in Romano Port for a total of 10.000 MC, which represent a consolidate  referent  point       for Albania and Balkan supply Market for a       total Gas Business around 100 Mil $ per   year. This  part of    local       market   is managed by partner company AV INTERNATIONAL GROUP.